
My name is Kate, and I go to college. At the University of Southern California, where I am attempting to major in English literature and cook without burning down the apartment.

Me, as an impressionable young freshman.

(Me, as an impressionable young freshman.)

I live off campus in a shoebox with four other girls. When I’m not in class, I spend most of my time under my loft bed, with my feet propped on my Swedish pre-fab desk while I study American literature and imagine a future where I don’t have to share a bathroom with four other women.

I started this blog as a project to satisfy a 2-credit Occupational Therapy/Creativity seminar I’m taking to help me recover from my previous life as an accounting major, which sucked the creative force right out of my soul with every credit and debit (and something about accounts receivable?).

So here’s to recovery. I’ll be forcing challenging myself to surmount various self-imposed creative obstacles each week and chronicling them here. I’ll also be waxing poetic about the banalities and oddities of my life at at college. Who knows? I may even come up with a premise for this little piece of digital real estate. Either way, you can be sure you’ll be hearing quite a bit about the books I read and the things I love.

Because I am an English major, and I have things to say.

2 responses to “About

  1. Patricia Cook

    I am looking forward to following along.

  2. I was an English major too, although from a much smaller private school about 40 miles north of USC. You can do it! How many times have you had to read The Canterbury Tales! UGH!

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